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Butterflies In Your Stomach? Next Public Workshop for Presenting to Groups

August 13, 2013

For information about our next public workshop called “Presentation Skills for Speaking to Groups”, Click Here , call (800) 610-8170 or register online at

Even the most experienced presenters get nervous before or during a group presentation or speech. Generally, nerves are caused by one or more of the following concerns:

  • “I am going to forget to say something.”
  • “I don’t want to look stupid.”
  • “I am afraid I am going to freeze up.”

To prevent these fears, remember these three simple rules:

  1. Generally, everyone in the audience wants you to succeed. Everybody’s time is valuable and when people are watching a presenter, they want him/her to be successful so their time is well spent. Try to find the positive energy in the audience (the smiling face, the encouraging body language) and use that to reduce your nerves and your fear of how you will look.
  2. Unless you sent your full presentation ahead of time, no one in the audience knows exactly what you are going to say. If you forget something, you have control and can always go back and make the point you missed. You don’t have to tell the audience you forgot something, you can always say, “One point I want to emphasize is…”, “let’s build on what we discussed before…”
  3. If you have the fear of freezing up, consider this…generally, people in the audience appreciate a short “break” from the presentation. One technique to use if you feel the “freeze” coming, is to pause, take a sip of water, look down at your notes (without talking) and then make eye contact again with the audience and proceed.


In conclusion, many people have the same fears and they can be alleviated with planning, preparation and practice. The more comfortable you are with what you want to say and how you want to say it, the easier it is to alleviate the nerves.

For information about the next public workshop offered by Taylor Performance Solutions on “Presentation Skills for Speaking to Groups”, call (800) 610-8170.