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Responding to Irate Customers

April 2, 2011

Responding to Irate Customers

None of us wake up in the morning hoping that we will have an irate customer, however, this is a reality in any customer service role. It is not always your fault, but it is your responsibility to rectify the situation. How you and your employees respond to an angry customer has an impact that goes beyond the interaction itself.

If you handle the customer with respect and listen carefully to his or her concerns, you have taken an important step in creating loyalty. Loyalty brings repeat business and customer referrals. If you don’t respond in a way that resolves the issue or calms the customer down, you are likely to lose the customer and all potential referrals from this customer. How much does it cost you to let a customer walk away angry?

Since we don’t want to lose money because of a situation being handled poorly, assess how you currently respond and make sure that you don’t fall into the trap of responding with these three anger response traps. Sometimes our response obviously fits into these categories, but sometimes they are more subtle.

Poor Response Category #1 – Returning Anger with Anger

If you match the customer’s anger with your own, the situation will only escalate, sometimes out of control. It never resolves the situation or calms down the customer.

Real Example Heard While Mystery Shopping a Client’s Competition

Customer – “What do you mean I have to wait in this long line? THIS IS ABSURD.”

Employee“Don’t take it out on me. It is not my fault. This is our busy time.”

If you were this customer, what would your next response be? I am willing to bet it wouldn’t be a nice comment.

Poor Response Category #2 – Ignore the Customer

When a customer is angry, he or she wants to be heard. If you ignore the anger, the likelihood is high that the anger will get worse.

Real Example Heard While Shopping!

Customer – “Your employee over there was totally rude to us! I want to speak to your manager.”

Employee – “Are you ready to complete your order?”

I doubt very much this customer would be ready to complete his or her order. He was probably more ready to take a swing at the employee. Luckily, the manager stepped in.

Poor Response Category #3 – Patronize the Visitor

Many times employees patronize the visitor without even realizing it. Telling a customer to calm down usually comes across as being condescending or patronizing. Your might as well tell the customer that his or her feelings are not legitimate.

Real Example From a Family Member This Past Holiday Season

Customer – “If you don’t refund my money I am never doing business with you again.”

Employee“Calm down; you don’t have to be so upset.”

How do you feel when someone tells you to calm down? Most people don’t like it and usually get even angrier.

With all the challenges facing people because of the state of the economy, many people have short fuses. Support your customers in these challenging times and they will support you in the future! Keep a long fuse and don’t fall into any of the anger response traps above.

If you or your employees want to enhance the way they respond to angry customers, call us at (800) 610-8170 or email us at I hope these tips help you be more aware the next time you face this challenging situation.




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